I assume not, but then, when researching sleep for this
project, just the thought of bringing books about sleep into my bedroom changed
something. I slowed down, but what slowed? My thinking? Maybe. I know that as I
thought about a sleep ritual remnants of one emerged.
I made tea. I already
have “sleepy tea” - as my mom calls it - in the cupboard. I just had to make it
and after just considering a sleep ritual, I did. It occurs to me that I was
also aware of the texture of my bed sheets and the motion of my limbs as they
did things like “slide between” or over or into the sheets.
Sleep is not a given. There is too much to potentially get
in the way of rest. It is too often described as an indulgence so no doubt there are psychological barriers. I wonder what the value might be in
formalising and publicly enacting a sleep or rest ritual? Would the same thing
occur in others as it did in me? Would we respond to the suggestion